Dear Ben,
You are an amazing baby! (Sure, all mothers think that about their babies, and I'd have a hard time arguing that they're wrong. But whatever--this isn't their blog post; it's yours, so getting back to *you*....) I wanted to write some of my favorite things about this time with you because it's going by so fast, and I don't want to forget.
Probably my favorite thing is when you look up at me when I'm feeding and/or holding you.... You have this look in your eyes, like you're just taking it all in. So open and innocent, but in a way that almost seems wise. Like you have this wisdom that you brought with you from wherever you came from, like you're a foreigner in a new country, processing and making sense of all that you see. And then you'll suddenly break into a smile--a smile that could light up a whole city. In the wintertime. Your daddy and I call them smiles from heaven, because it actually kind of feels like heaven itself is smiling on us. It really does! You are so sweet, and beautiful--you pretty much just feel like pure love.
As you can tell, you have doting parents. We've been through this before, but circumstances are such that we are both in a position to enjoy it much more this time around. It's funny to think back about how disruptive a baby once seemed. It seems as natural as can be this time. And you know, we've always been very happy with each other, but since you've come along it's off the charts. You bring so much love and joy to us all, each and every day.
Another thing I love about you-right-now is how you laugh when we change your clothes. You think it's hilarious when we pull a onesie up over your head! And I love how you look at art, like you're really evaluating and appreciating it.... And even though I joke about the country music thing, I do get a kick out of your defined musical taste. And a little more about your smile: when I smile at you, I love how you smile back at me with this twinkle in your eye, almost as if we're sharing a private joke, the best private joke ever.
And I'm sorry if it sounds like bragging (hey, that's my right as your mom)--but you are one beautiful baby boy. Seriously. Even strangers stop us to tell us so, and they also remark on how happy and smiley you are. An old lady stopped me in the supermarket the other day to say what a cute, happy baby you are. Of course I had to agree.
I love your perfect little eyebrows... Laurie calls them "painted-on" eyebrows. And I love how you arch/raise them sometimes when you are interacting with people. It's quite the sophisticated little look.
I love how you are getting really into your books, especially Pat the Bunny. It's sooooo sweet.
And I love how your siblings are responding to you. It's hard to express how much sweetness fills my heart when I see them interacting with you. Of course, I also love watching you and your dad together.
Well, I'd better go catch some zzzz ("Sleep when the baby sleeps", and all that). Your Uncle Metro and Barbara are here to visit you, and we're all going to Woodstock (the concert venue) tomorrow. Your daddy and I are excited to take you there--we went there last year on our anniversary, right around the time you first came into existence.
Anyway, thanks for being you, and for bringing me such boundless joy:-)
PS--a few photos of you over the last month:

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