The counselor was awesome, and really enjoyed George. A counselor who was not so on top of her game might not have, since George was already something of an expert on mythical creatures, and also has never been the type to keep silent in a classroom setting if he disagrees or has a particular opinion! For example, one day I stayed for the beginning of camp, and the counselor was talking about mermaids. She said that there had been sightings of mermaids reported throughout history, including by Christopher Columbus. George raised his hand and when called on, he announced "But you can't trust anything that Christopher Columbus said, because he was a liar!" Then another kid jumped in and said "Yeah, and he didn't really discover America! There were already people here!" Without missing a beat, the counselor said, "Well, Christopher Columbus isn't here to defend himself, so let's leave him alone for now..." and took the conversation right back to mermaids, which seemed fine with everyone--they had gotten to speak their peace!
On the last day they wore costumes and got their faces painted. George chose to dress as a vampire, and he had a truly inspired idea for his face-painting:

Here's a closer look:

Creepy, huh?
And here he is with his counselor:

The kids paraded around a bit with a Chinese dragon, had refreshments, and received award certificates. George's was for "Most Informed", which didn't surprise me one bit!

Next up: Galumpha camp!
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