Saturday, June 27, 2009


Ok, clearly I need to do a Blogger tutorial to learn how to arrange these photos better, but since it has taken me a month to get the photos up here in the first place, who knows how long it'll take me to get around to the tutorial...

The CTY Awards Ceremony at Siena College, held last month

And a little further down is George's recorder concert, the following day; it was the third thing I was proud of him for but didn't get around to writing about in my Proud Mama post. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation... where, incidentally, his recorder concert for his school-that-closed was held (and also where one of the schools we set up in the aftermath held classes for the 4 days it lasted!). This concert in some ways felt like "coming home", because it reminded me that not everything that we loved about that school had vanished from our lives. Adding to this sense was the fact that several of the kids from that school participated in the concert (they, like George, have continued to take lessons with the recorder teacher from the school). Plus, many of George's new homeschool friends were there, so it was a nice union of past and present for me, and probably for him, too. It was part of a life-goes-on-in-many-wonderful-ways closure that felt kind of therapeutic, and that I knew I would not get from attending the hearing about the school that was held yesterday.

George's favorite part of the concert: running around outside in the labyrinth afterwards, with old and new friends.

I have many, many more pictures to post, but I'm running out of stamina and will have to do it later!

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