Saturday, February 20, 2010

So much to write about... little time/energy to write about it! Plus, my unlucky-with-laptops streak has continued, and my newest laptop, the only computer in the house that had been working consistently, has been acting up. Anyway, here, in brief, are some of the things I've been wanting to write about:

1) Went to an unschooling conference and finally actually learned something about what unschooling really is. Found that I am, and am not, an unschooler. Am definitely not a "radical unschooler". I intend to write more about this in a future post.

2) Also at this conference I heard John Taylor Gatto speak, and really loved many of the things he had to say. The main idea he conveyed that I loved was something along the lines of how we prolong childhood artificially in our culture, and by doing so, we actually do our kids a disservice. We should both give them more credit and expect more from them starting much earlier on. I'm not explaining that well at all... (does it sound like I'm all for putting kids to work in sweatshops?!) but it will have to wait for a future post.

3) I've been sick all week with a cough that was so bad I actually went to the emergency room (under the advice of my doctor, lest you think I'm a total hypochondriac!). Everything is fine, big-picture-wise, but it's been quite a week. Hence the lack of energy to write about all these things that have been rattling around in my head....

4) I have been on a song-writing spree. Not so much this week, but in the weeks leading up to it. I kind of have the idea to write about the genesis of some of these songs in here, because I think down the road I'd like to remember the circumstances under which I wrote them. And it's getting to the point where there are enough of them that I'm going to start losing track. I will say that tonight Bob and I set to music some lyrics we wrote some time ago ("Catch a Groove"). Anyway, more later.

5) I have great aspirations to write about all of the above, but am not sure when I'm really going to get to it, since I also have a ton of work to do (especially since I fell far behind this week, being on my deathbed and all), and I'm going to have a BABY in two months and my house is nowhere near ready for his arrival.

Ok, that's it for now. Must sleep!

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